A clear purpose combined with a definite passion for contributing to the needs of the work roles or careers in harmony with his/her potentials is the roadmap to “Career Fulfilment”. The extent of fulfilment in the job role is an indicator for the organization to ascertain the reasons for an individual’s retention within the organization and to the chosen job role. The Limeneal wheel model unwraps this “Journey to Fulfilment” for the individual through the Limeneal wheel assessment tool.

The Purpose-Passion-Potential discovery of an individual results in enhancing the Effectiveness, Engagement and Productivity of employees. Understanding the degree of match between different job roles and the potential of an employee is insufficient without ascertaining the degree of fulfilment an individual has towards a specific job role.

The Limeneal Wheel is a scientifically validated tool that customizes the needs of different work roles in different organizational cultures to prospective individuals or professionals who would deliver value to self, the team and the organization.

Limeneal wheel empowers organizations to align, choose and work with professionals or individuals who will deliver to the organization’s prospects and growth.

  • Knowing the “Purpose, Passion and Potential” of the individual that triggers “Fulfilment at work”.
  • Knowing the Emotional and Rational reasons of an individual’s commitment to his/her work.
  • Knowing the ratio of match between the potentials of the individual and the respective job role.
  • Knowing the “extent of Fulfilment” achieved by the individual in the respective job role.
  • Knowing the “degree of effectiveness” the individual would deliver in the specific job role.

Careers Fulfillment Reports

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